How OpenSAFELY began
A short history of OpenSAFELY’s beginnings, as published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
Earning and maintaining trust: PPIE and more
How we engage with patients and the public, as published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
The legal basis: ethics, controls and building trust
A brief review of information governance, as published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
Output checking helps to keep private data safe
A brief look at our output checking service how it works, and why it’s necessary. As published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
Standard tools for data preparation, and federated analytics
A brief look at how we enable federated analytics, as published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
Co-pilots give newcomers a helping hand
A brief overview of our co-piloting programme, as published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
Testing ehrQL autocomplete
We’ve greatly improved autocomplete when writing ehrQL. But how on earth do you test it automatically?
How OpenSAFELY works
A brief overview of OpenSAFELY, as published in our booklet, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”
The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY: Introduction
We produced a little printed book, “The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY”. This post is the first in a series, in which we’ll re-produce the book on the web.
Introducing Airlock
Our new tool for viewing and releasing outputs